A key objective of the WANA Forum is the DeLeon guiding principles. Several key issues were pointed out that lead to displacement of people within the region. 1) The dynamics of the market displace many people and put them in the ranks of the excluded, such as replacing subsistence food production with global production of coffee, tea, cacao, etc. .2) A permanent fund needs be created to help countries dealing with a sudden crises of people. 3) Deal with the route of the problem -lack of access to resources, inadequate access to health and education, inadequate access to financial wherewithal to make a livelihood and participle in the democratic process.4) Account for environmental functions and services degraded by influx of people, especially water supply, waste disposal, and degradation of biodiversity and habitat. 5) Coordinate development led strategies to integrate refugee impacts and growth potential to stimulate the economy.
The WANA Forum stresses "what is important:to seek out opportunities to hear what the silenced majority have to say." As Peter Sutherland, Special Representative to the UN Secretary General on Migration and Development synthesized the three questions on Netherlands agenda, commitment to resolving rather than financing the extension of displacement; establishment of a regional bank for reconstruction and development; and the setting up of a knowledge and sharing platform.
Draft guiding principles with two principles:
A) alleviate human suffering while ensuring and sustaining the dignity of both the uprooted people and host countries;
B) Establish a framework of regional cooperation and mutually assured human security underpinned by a Social Charter and a Regional ECOSOC Charter
The guiding principles should be based on the four pillars of post-conflict reconstruction and
recovery, social cohesion, the environment, and green economy.
Ideas from the conference draft guiding principles: 1) develop macro and micro economic development strategies and approaches. the idea is to reframe humanitarian crises. As development opportunities -attempt to minimize burdens the uprooted may have on host countries though positive and sustainable contributions that they may make to the local and national economy may be maximized. 2) Develop strategies for the internally displaced people or immigrants to provide housing, land, food, potable water, and waste management; end urban violence against the uprooted; provide access to health care, education, and an opportunity to make a livelihood 3) Water. promoting regional water management and resource cooperation in the context of climate change is key to mitigating conflict, preventing uprooting and responding to the impacts of displacement where this occurs. These objections can be secured by enhancing regional and national policies for adaptation, resilience and governance through a regional knowledge knowledge base side by side with grassroots mobilization.
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